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Showing posts with the label quets 61 to 80

LVL74- Magi power of fire- Part 1

This quest is for players who have Alliance with Varka Silenos level 2 done.  Level  74  Start Location  Goddart  Start Npc   Varka's Messenger Naran Ashanuk  Races  all  Classes  all  Repeatable  No (Solo)  Reward Divine Stone of Wisdom 1. Go speak to Varka's Messenger Naran Ashanuk (port to the Silenos outpost from the Goddard gatekeeper). Select the “Magical Power of Fire - Part 1” quest from him.  2.You are told to go into the Varka Silenos Village and meet Udan Mardui. This will be tricky. If you harm any Varkas getting there you’re alliance level will drop and the alliance will be broken. If you are partied with people who are allied with the Orcs and they kill a Varka, you also will lose a level in your alliance membership. You can kill animals that agro you. You can also follow another group out of party as they fight their way to the village.

LVL 74 - Magic power of water- Part 1

This quest is for players who have Alliance with Ketra Orcs level 2 done.  Level  74  Start Location  Goddart  Start Npc  Ketra's Messenger Wahkan  Races  all  Classes  all  Repeatable  Yes (Solo)  Reward Divine Stone of Wisdom 1- It starts in ketra Orc Outpost with Ketra's Messenger Wahkan. 2- He sends you to see Asefa who is in the center of the Outpost. She asks that you sneak over to the Varka Silenos Outpost and retrieve a totem, and you will need a KEY OF THIEF to open the box, so go get one. Don't kill any Ketra Orc on the way becase it will cancel the allience with them. 3- The box is behind one of the Silenos houses in their little town. If you have the key, talk to the box to open it and get the totem. You cant be seen for Silenos, so don't kill any silenos on the way, or you will be "seen", and you'll have to st

Alliance with Varkas Silenos - Level 1 and 2

Start Level : 74 Start Location: Varka Silenos Post Type: Rewards, Repeatable, Party Different rewards for different lvls of quest, lvl 5 of this quest gives random S grade armor recipe Races: All Classes: All When you choose this quest you must kill Ketra Orcs (the enemy of your ally). Attention! While you have this quest don't hit/kill silenos or don't let your party hit silenos or your quest will end and you have to start all over again. This quest has 5 levels. As you increase the level of the alliance, you gain access to shops, raid bosses and other quests. * when you do 3rd class transfer quests you need only level 1 and lvl 2 of this quest   FORM AN ALLIANCE – LEVEL 1   1. To start the quest teleport to Varka silenos area from Goddart and speak with Varka's Messenger Naran Ashanuk 2. He tells you to get 100 Ketra’s Badges – Soldier. Go to the Ketra Orc Outpost and hunt any of those:     Ketra’s War Hounds     Ketra O

Alliance with Ketra Orcs - Level 1 and 2

Start Level : 74 Start Location: Ketra Orc Post Type: Rewards, Repeatable, Party Different rewards for different lvls of quest, lvl 5 of this quest gives random S grade armor recipe Races: All Classes: All When you choose this quest you must kill Varka Silenos. Attention! While you have this quest don't hit/kill any ketra orc or don't let your party hit ketra or your quest will end and you have to start all over again. This quest has 5 levels. As you increase the level of the alliance, you gain access to shops, raid bosses and other quests.  * when you do 3rd class transfer quests you need only level 1 and lvl 2 of this quest FORM AN ALLIANCE – LEVEL 1   1. To start the quest teleport to Ketra orcs area from Goddart and speak with Ketra's Messenger Wahkan  2. He tells you to get 100 Silenos Badges – Soldier. Go to the Varka Silenos Outpost and hunt any of those: 100 Ketra Badge - Soldier :        Varka Silenos Recru